
is Freedom

Become a new Kind of

Freedom Fighter

"Through the power of forgiveness, we pave the way for a liberated and deeply fulfilling life."

Two women hugging

Has your life been marred by:

  • Divorce
  • Childhood Trauma
  • Sexual Trauma
  • Physical Abuse
  • Emotional Abuse
  • Infidelity
  • Bullying
  • Unfair business dealings
Compass Direction Icon

We're here to guide you on that transformative journey, helping you turn the painful chapters of your life into profound lessons of resilience and strength.

We are not just guides; we are fellow travelers.

We've been where you are, confronted the sharp edges of pain, walked the path of healing, and emerged into the soothing peace it brings.

We know your journey because we have lived it, and now we are here to walk beside you, guiding you to your own transformation.

reaching the goal and celebrating success
Wooden Path in the Forest

Following your

forgiveness path:

Our transformative process is simple but impactful.

It gifts you a life of freedom, inner peace, and empowerment.

You'll find your life's purpose and experience deep fulfillment.

As part of our comprehensive program, you will receive:

  • Forgiveness Workbook
  • Laminated Daily Routine Cards
  • Access to Our Routine App - Fully Customizable Routines
  • Soul Purpose Statement
  • I Am Statement (Mission Statement)
  • Personal Brand/Logo
  • Vision Board Cards
  • Discovering Your Soul Purpose Workbook

From Our Clients

"I have been going to counseling for years and you did more in 90 minutes then they did in years. I feel light as a feather"

— Emily, Nevada

"I had a dent in my heart and you helped fill it"

— Susan, Utah

"You changed my life! What you do is amazing Michael"

— Nic, Utah

"I have been studying this kind of stuff for over 15 years and I have never seen all of this in one place before!"

— Betsy, Utah

"You are a miracle worker! Thank you for showing the way to my own healing"

— Stacy, Utah

Daily Gratigram


I am grateful for...

to know that no matter how deep the pit, Christ can lift us out of it

I am grateful for...

I was able to teach that to my group of ex-cons yesterday in a way they could begin to believe it

I am grateful for...

to know whom God calls, God qualifies.

I am grateful for these Quotes:

God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called. It is the One who called that is important not the one who is called. Understanding and remembering this is the key to our every step in faith. - Pastor Unlikely

When God Calls, He also Equips. When God Calls, He Enables. When God Calls, He Provides. When God Calls you, He qualifies you. - Unknown

No matter where you are in your life with God, HE is qualifying you for his service because you are CALLED. He can help you overcome the mistakes you have made, and even use them to help others. Just allow Him to use you. - Colton Jansen

I am grateful for you ❤️


My name is ______________

I am a new type of freedom fighter.

I fight the effects of trauma.

I fight resentment.

I fight fear.

I fight limiting beliefs.

I am a freedom fighter

Forgiving is Freedom.

And I live Free.

Forgiving is Freedom
I am a New type of
Freedom Man With Breaking Chains In Handscuffs Symbol




Michael Drummond,

Certified Life Coach

Get in touch!


